Environment (water, soil)

Enzyme solutions for decontamination and cleaning soils
Products for soil improvement (geotextiles, gravels, etc.)

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  • Functional Cellulose Gels by JRS


    This is a water-insoluble, micro-crystalline cellulose that is processed with a water-soluble spacer in a special production process. The fiber-gel is a whitish powder that disperses in water, forms a three-dimensional network and that way can be used as a multifunctional additive in water-based systems. See long description for more information.
    Last update 18/11/2016
  • Biosorb


    Biosorb is a 100 % natural filter system made of pine bark residues and flax and developed by Pe@rl society cooperatively with EcoTechnilin.
    It has the capacity to concentrate heavy metals and radioactive elements in fluids with an efficiency similar to ion exchange resin but easier to implement.
    Last update 31/05/2016
  • Weeding vinegar


    Vinegar is recognized as a grassy basic substance by localized application, in direct spray on weeds at 6% acidity, on borders, alleys, sidewalks ...
    Last update 14/03/2023
  • Rocalin

    Ariège Composites

    The range of Rocalin voluntary intake columns comes in 3m3 and 4m3 for the collection of glass as well as paper and packaging.

    The use of flax and cork provides efficient mechanical performance
    Last update 28/02/2017


    Certified ECOLABEL, the hydraulic oil BIO NATUR HYDROLABEL is a high quality oil, biodégradable* and not classified toxic for the environment.
    Last update 20/08/2013