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  • Libeco

    Libeco is one of the largest linen weavers in Europe; we offer decorative fabrics, apparel linen, technical canvas, embroidery linen and are manufacturers of finished linen products of high quality. Our mission is to perpetuate the tradition of manufacturing linen and promoting it throughout the world.
    Last update : 15/09/2014
  • NovHisol SA

    NOVHISOL rethinks current methods of construction to meet the demands of new regulations.[br /] NOVHISOL, active approach to passive construction
    Last update : 20/07/2015
  • CelluComp

    CelluComp is a dynamic new material science company based in Scotland that develops high performance products based on sustainable resources.[br /] Our vision is to promote Material Change for Good and our principle activity is the development and commercialisation of Curran®, a material produced by extraction of nano-cellulose fibres.
    Last update : 22/08/2013
  • Entropy Resins, Inc.

    We believe there is no better chemist than Mother Nature. Entropy Resins makes materials that balance performance and environmental sustainability. Our bio-based epoxy resins allow for strong and durable composites and coatings with a lower environmental impact. There are no compromises.
    Last update : 16/03/2015
  • Cavac Biomatériaux

    Defibering and burling and micronization
    Last update : 13/02/2017