Leisure / Sport

Plastics, fibers and composite materials for the manufacture of sport equipments
(racket, shoe, ski, etc.)

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  • Bcomp Ltd.

    We develop and patent technologies allowing the fabrication of eco superior products from natural fibres.
    Bcomp replaces aluminium, carbon- or glass fibre composites and make structures more efficient in terms of weight, rigidity, shock absorption, and damping.
    Last update : 07/10/2014
  • Lubrizol Advanced Materials (FKA Merquinsa)

    Lubrizol® Engineered Polymers provides highly versatile, thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU) that include resins that can be bio-based (content as certified in accordance to ASTM D-6866), light-stable, flame-retardant, adhesive, breathable or chemically resistant. The scope of our technology innovation has many molded and extruded applications.
    Last update : 10/01/2020
  • Groupe DEPESTELE / Teillage Vandecandelaère

    Europe’s leading private flax producer, the Depestele Group operates approximately 8000 ha of plains in Normandy and values the entire straw by obtaining various products: long fiber, short fiber, shives and seeds.
    Last update : 26/02/2014

    DEDIENNE MULTIPLASTURGY® is a European specialist in the manufacture of technical and composite plastic parts. DEDIENNE MULTIPLASTURGY® is focused on specialised markets as a multi-technology processor.
    Last update : 16/02/2018

    We are the name behind the high performance ingredients and technologies in some of the biggest, most successful brands in the world: creating, making and selling speciality chemicals that are relied on by industries and consumers everywhere.
    Last update : 25/05/2018